By a 121-23 vote, the Texas House voted to suspend Attorney General Paxton and send 20 articles of impeachment to the Texas Senate for trial. It is important to note, the Texas House decides only if there is sufficient evidence to justify legal proceedings. Clearly, there was.
Due to my membership on the House General Investigating Committee, I have refrained from commenting on this matter until after the full House had the opportunity to vote. I joined over 70 percent of House Republicans in supporting this resolution.
Saturday was a very grim and difficult day for this House and for the State of Texas. Attorney General Paxton has a brilliant legal mind and has worked diligently for the State of Texas. I have great appreciation and respect for the many, many things that he has done for this state. Frankly, Attorney General Paxton deserves praise for his fierce, consistent efforts to push back on behalf of Texas against unconstitutional federal mandates, executive orders, rules and laws. However, no one person should be above the law – least of which the top law enforcement official of the State of Texas.
As a member of the House General Investigating Committee and a member of the House, I have a duty and obligation to protect the citizens of Texas from elected officials who abuse their office and their powers for personal gain. I cannot be complicit in condoning the improper actions of Attorney General Paxton. I cannot ignore it and pretend it didn’t happen. Texas is better than that. I pray for the State of Texas and all of those involved in this process, including Attorney General Paxton and his family.