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EASTLAND, TX — While homeowners are responsible for cleaning within their properties, they are also responsible for the areas just outside of their property lines as well.

Alley ways throughout the city have many uses for utility companies as well as the property owners adjoining them. Many owners have driveways and other property entrances off of them, and for the most part, owners keep their portion of the alley clean and maintained.

Some of the less used alleys are seeing less frequent maintenance by some property owners and are causing concerns for others due to junk and debris being placed there or the lack of mowing and brush removal creating tall grass and weeds, and some even use them for their parking spaces blocking full access by utility companies, the city, and even neighbors.

Under city ordinance 14-55 Duty to keep clean – It shall be the duty of the owner, tenant or occupant to keep the abutting or adjacent sidewalk, parkway, alleyway and gutter clean and free of all weeds, trash, rubbish, filth, debris and obstructions which may encumber such sidewalk, parkway, alleyway and gutter. No person shall sweep into or deposit in any gutter, street, or other public place within the city, the accumulation of litter from any building or lot or from any public or private sidewalk or driveway. Failure to comply with the requirement of this section shall be and is hereby declared to constitute a nuisance subject to abatement as provided for under the provisions of this Code, and any person violating these provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.

If you have an alley way along your property, we ask that you maintain your portion of the alley to remain in compliance with all city ordinances. Keep the area mowed and clear of brush, weeds, junk, debris and any obstacles that create an attractive nuisance as well as would prevent any vehicle from traveling the alley.

For further information on this or other City matters, please contact Eastland City Hall at 113 E. Commerce or 254-629-8321.

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